New 2025 TRIP flyers can be printed by on the button below. Earn rebates toward your tuition or as a donation to Trinity Lutheran School’s Tuition Assistance Fund by purchasing gift cards through TRIP, either online ( using Trinity Member Code: C73LF95B7L57 , buying in the school office (cash & carry), or turning in a paper order form. These rebates are banked and deducted from your tuition twice each year. School families are saving several hundreds of dollars each year. New TRIP order dates are as listed on the order form. After orders are submitted, TRIP orders will be available for pick-up by the following Friday (sometimes sooner).
TRIP ordering is also available online. There are hundreds more merchants and monetary increments!!! Extra forms are available in the school lobby, as well as on Fast Direct and our school website (See below). For help or questions, please call the School Office (708) 839-1444.